How Yoga Changed My Life: My Story


At the age of 33, I was thrown from my horse and landed on hard ground. From the nasty and unnatural curve in my arm, I knew immediately that I had broken my left wrist. I required surgery and months of physical therapy to recover from this injury. As a cardiologist, I found it very hard to be on the other side of the doctor-patient divide.

And as a horsewoman, I was devastated by the idea that I had to take months away from the sport that gave me such joy.

Not only did my broken wrist force me to face my own vulnerability, but it also made me realize that I needed to develop a truer sense of body awareness and alignment in order to be a better and safer partner for my horse.

After researching all the options, I discovered yoga.

At first, it was a means to an end, but the more I practiced, the more I realized just how wonderful I felt during and after class, and how much I looked forward to the next session. I had always exercised, running and going to the gym, but yoga turned out to be much more than that.

To my surprise, beyond the physical benefits, I began to face the stress in my professional life with more optimism. Without trying, I learned to use my breath to bring my thoughts back to center. I felt calmer and more empathetic, and even found myself sleeping more deeply.

Yoga made such a difference in my life that I was committed to keeping the momentum going. After more than 20 years of taking yoga classes, I began studying privately with a highly skilled yogi for several years, until the pandemic brought that to a halt.

Ultimately, I took my love of yoga further by becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher.

I am thrilled to share this passion with you, and hope that through Winding Road Yoga, I can help you to find your own unique yoga path.