What Does it Mean to Set an Intention?


At the beginning of a yoga class, your teacher will often invite you to set an intention. But what does that mean? Why do we do it? And how do you know what to choose? In this article, I’ll explain what an intention is, why it is often part of a yoga practice, and how it can deepen your practice.

 I’ll also offer some ideas that may help you to set your own intention.

If we go back to the roots of yoga, it’s clear that yoga is not only about the physical postures, or asana. In fact, the physical practice of yoga was originally a way to prepare the mind for meditation.

In yoga, the practice of setting an intention is a way to bring focus and purpose to your practice. You can think of an intention as the compass that guides your practice. Your intention can help you get through a difficult pose with acceptance and ease, and it can enhance your mindfulness during the practice and beyond.

How do you choose an intention?

Take a moment to reflect on your present state—physically, mentally, and emotionally. Observe your thoughts, emotions, and the sensations in your body. By grounding yourself in the present moment, you can gain clarity on what you truly need from your practice.

Your intention could be a quality you wish to embody, a particular area of personal growth, or simply an intention to cultivate gratitude and presence. Maybe it’s finding compassion for yourself or for someone else.

Allow your intuition to guide you in choosing an intention that feels authentic and meaningful to you. It is yours alone, and not something that you have to share.

If you’re searching for your intention, here are a few ideas that can help to guide you:

  • Keep it Positive: Focus on what you want to invite into your life rather than what you wish to avoid.

  • Be Specific: Consider choosing a specific aspect of your practice or life that you want to explore or cultivate.

  • Embody the Feeling: As you form your intention, tap into the feeling or emotion associated with it. By visualizing yourself already living your intention, you begin to activate its energy within you.

Now that you have found your intention, how can you use it?

  • During an Opening Centering Meditation: Begin your practice with a few moments of stillness and breath awareness. Connect with your intention, repeating it silently or out loud, allowing it to infuse your mind and body

  • Move with Purpose: As you flow through the poses, or asanas let your practice become a moving meditation. Allow each posture and transition to embody your chosen intention. Don’t be frustrated if you lose the thread as you work through more challenging poses. As in any meditation, it’s normal for your thoughts to wander, and that may be exactly what you need sometimes. The power of the intention is in mindfully returning. Each time you do that, you strengthen the energy of your intention.

  • Carry Your Intention with You Off the Mat: Carry your intention with you throughout the day. As you do, you’ll naturally cultivate mindfulness and the qualities you are seeking to embody. Allow your intention to become a transformative force in your life.

Setting an intention for your yoga practice is an invitation to bring depth, purpose, and awareness to your journey. It aligns your mind, body, and spirit, allowing you to tap into your truest potential. By infusing your practice with intention, you open the door to self-discovery, personal growth, and a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

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