Posts in Breathing
Why Do We Focus on the Breath in Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation?

In yoga and mindfulness meditation, teachers often use the breath as an anchor onto which you focus your awareness and your intention. Why is focusing on the breath so important?

At first glance, the breath might seem to be a purely physical process, yet its impact extends far beyond mere oxygenation of the body.  In this article we’ll delve into why we focus on the breath in these practices, and how it might influence your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

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The Science of Breath: A Physician Explains Pranayama

Breathing is something we do every minute of every day, mostly without giving it a second thought. However, as a physician and a yoga teacher, I've come to appreciate the profound impact that conscious breathing, or pranayama, can have on our physical and mental well-being. In this article, I delve into the science behind pranayama and explain how it can be a powerful tool for connecting the mind and body.

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In Through the Nose? How Breathing in Meditation Can Enhance Your Well-Being

“In through your nose, and out through your mouth.” Have you ever wondered why you hear this instruction in yoga class? Nasal breathing does have some advantages over mouth breathing in a meditative practice. It encourages you to slow down and control your respiration. By doing so, you may activate your parasympathetic nervous system. And it might even improve your memory and your mood.

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