Posts in Yoga and Muscle Health
Creating a Pre-Ride Yoga Routine: How Equestrians Can Harness the Power of Yoga

If you ride horses, no matter what your discipline, you know that time spent in the saddle is a blend of physical energy, mental focus, and a deep connection with your horse. It’s easy to overlook the importance of self-care, but just as you care for and prepare your horse before a ride, it’s equally important to prepare yourself. As a competitive dressage rider and a registered yoga teacher, I’ve found that incorporating a brief yoga routine before mounting up can help me to feel more centered, flexible, and ready to train and compete at my best.

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Yoga for Seniors: The Physical Benefits

As you age, it’s normal for the body to become less flexible and to feel a little weaker. Your sense of balance may also become less certain. It’s understandable that these changes may cause some people to avoid exercise out of fear or frustration. But in many cases, that may only cause these problems to accelerate.

If you’re an older adult and wondering if yoga is for you, here’s a quick rundown of the ways yoga can enhance your health and well-being.

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Say Hello to Your Psoas: Yoga’s Unsung Hero

Your psoas muscle is one of the most important muscles in your body. Yet this unsung hero is often overlooked. That’s partly because it is such a deep muscle that we really don’t notice it from the outside. This curvy and complex muscle runs from the lower spine to the top of the thigh bone. Without the psoas, we would not be able to stand or walk. That’s because the psoas is the only muscle that connects the spine to the legs. The psoas is also part of your fight or flight system.

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